One Tunnel Frame Set

Here’s a little better view of the truck crane. I have to climb up and reach over the yellow straps to crank the come-a-long to raise/lower the tunnel frame.

And the straps and chain bracing inside the bed of the truck.

The ladder is footed against a pallet and the pallet is chained down because the tendency would be for it to lift up.

Finally got a chance to use the old David White builder’s transit. One of these days maybe I’ll get a proper wooden legged tripod for it.

Such a beauty and still to this day, considered one of the best, non-electronic transits.

Looking through it, I can see this mark just as it is in this pic

Naturally,, there’s a mark on the other frame leg and I can swing the transit to the left to see it. Get both marks in the cross hairs, and it’s level.
Way more accurate than a string level which is the only other option to level something 22′ wide. I’ll be using it to make sure all the frames are level with the first one as well.

One done, set in concrete with OSB braces screwed to the bottom to keep the wind from waggling it.

I’ll get in as many truss frames in as I can whenever I can at this point.

Getting them all welded up and one in the ground was a heckuva hurdle to get over for as long as I’ve been talking about it.


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